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1 Hour of Team Games / 7-12 years old

1 Hour of Team Games / 7-12 years old

1H de Team Game - défis sportifs, intellectuels et d’agilité à relever en équipes privatives

Disconnect from the screens and challenge your family, friends and colleagues.

Space Team Games offers a variety of challenges for groups of 2 to 66 people (by teams of 6 people max)* that will keep you entertained and have a great time with your family and friends!

The different missions include action, skill, agility and logic!

80 minutes on site :

- 20 minutes for check-in, explanations and waiting for other guests

- 60 minutes of Team Games

*We draw your attention to the fact that this is a preferable activity for children of 7 years old minimum, preferably accompanied by an adult.
